Studium ČEgÚ FF UK
Charles University in Prague
Faculty of Philosophy and Arts
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Abusir - Secrets of the Desert
and the Pyramids
25. 11. 2004 - 6. 3. 2005

The exhibition organised by the Czech National Centre for Egyptology in co-operation with the National Museum-Náprstek Museum introduces one of the most significant archaeological sites in Egypt. The history of Abúsír and its excavation is illustrated by objects unearthed by the German Egyptologists, who worked in Abúsír at the beginning of the 20th century, and by the Czech Egyptologists, with whom the site has been connected since 1960'. The development of the site and its notable periods of use are presented on a timeline that additionally traces the development of archaeological methods over the past one hundred years, which culminates in the final part of the exhibition focused on the latest excavation works on the site. The exhibition is accompanied by an exposition for visitors with impaired vision and by an extensive parallel programme.

National Museum - Náprstek Museum of Asian, African and American Cultures,
Betlémské nám. 1, Prague 1

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