The Old Kingdom Art and Archaeology


Alphabetical list of abstracts

included are ONLY participants that have submitted their preliminary titles. Others are requested to do so as soon as possible.


Alexanian, N.

Tomb and social status. The textual evidence;

Allen, J. P.,

            The Nonroyal Afterlife in the Old Kingdom;

Allen, J. S.,

Miniature and model vessels in the Old Kingdom;

Altenmüller, H.,

The transmission of archaic prototypes in the tomb decoration of the Old Kingdom;

Arnold, Do.,

Reinstalling the Tombs of Raemkai and Perneb in the Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York;

El-Awady, T.,

 Scenes of the return of Sahure’s expedition from Punt;

Bárta, M.,

The newly emerging Sixth Dynasty history of Abusir and Saqqara in context. The tomb complex of Qar and his sons;

Benešovská, H.,

            Statues from the Pyramid Complex of Neferefra

Brovarski, E.,

False door development during the Old Kingdom;

Bolshakov, A.,

            A copy of a tomb: Ni-maat-ra G 2097 and Ka-em-ankh G 4561;

Callender, V. G.,

The iconography and status of the Princess in the Old Kingdom

Ćwiek, A.

Mortuary complex of Netjerykhet – a re-evaluation;

Dobrev, V.,

            A new Old Kingdom cemetery at South Saqqara;

Eaton-Krauss, M.,

The location of inscriptions on statues of the Old Kingdom;

Flentye, L.,

The development of the eastern and GIS Cemeteries at Giza during the Fourth Dynasty: The relationship between architecture and tomb decoration;

Freed, R.

             Defining Style in Sculpture of the First Intermediate Period;

Goedicke, H.

            Giza as a construction site;

Harvey, J.,

Continuity or Collapse – artistic styles in wooden statues after the end of the Old


Hawass, Z.

            Two unique Old Kingdom tombs found;

Ikram, S.,

An Old Kingdom offering list realised;

Jánosi, P.,

            Old Kingdom tombs and dating – problems and priorities;

Krejčí, J., Magdolen, D.,

Research into the Fifth Dynasty sun temples – past, present and future;

Kuraszkiewicz, K.,

 The title of the „God’s Treasurer” and the royal expeditions in the Old Kingdom;

Landgráfová, R.,

Faience fragments from the funerary temple of Neferefre

Love, S.,

Stones, ancestors, and pyramids:Investigating the pre-pyramid landscape of Memphis;


Manuelian, P.,

            Giza Mastabas volume 8: Reisner’s Nucleus cemetery 2100;

Mathieson, I., Dittmer, J., Leahy, A., Reader, C.,

            Are large excavations really necessary? (The Saqqara Geophysical Survey Project);

Munch, H.,

 Interaction, groups, and women in the Old Kingdom elite: a pictorial perspective;

Myśliwiec, K.,

The dry moat on the west side of Netjerykhets pyramid at Saqqara;

Pieke, G.,

            The Man and the Lotus – local and gender traditions;


Roth, A. M.,

Little women: gender and hierarchic proportion in Old Kingdom mastaba chapels;

Rowland, J. M.,

Grave consequences: developing analytical methods to elucidate patterns of social

differentiation at early Egyptian cemetery sites;

Seidlmayer, S. J.,

Observations on the chronological distribution of royal names in private names and

official titles during the Old Kingdom;

Schulz, R.,

            Images of  dogs in Old Kingdom tombs;

Shirai, Y.,

           Ideal and reality in Old Kingdom private funerary cults;

Silverman, D.,

The Epithet z3 R’ in the Old through the Middle Kingdom;

Vachala, B.,

            Fragments of reliefs from the Mastaba of Ptahshespes at Abusir

Verner, M.,

            The columns of Abusir;

Vlčková, P.

The spatial distribution of the funerary equipment in the Memphite necropolis at the end of the Old Kingdom;

Vymazalová, H.

            Administrative documents of Abusir Papyri Archives;

Yoshimura, S., Kawai, N.,

A new early Old Kingdom layered stone structure at North Saqqara: A Preliminary


Ziegler, Chr.,

Derniers nouvelles de Saqqara.


(last change 27/05/2004)
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